
Executive onboarding aims to protect and enhance the investment made in a professional entering a new role.  Transitioning into new organizations and roles is the most challenging task any manager can face.  A lot of research has been conducted to understand why executives fail in new leadership roles.  Elements that keep coming back relate to Relations, Expectations and Feedback.

We assist new executives in navigating on the above – a key in our commitment to ensure sustainable leadership.

The frequency and number of Executive Onboarding sessions is determined on a case-to-case basis.  van Pul & Thieltgen do what it takes to assure a smooth integration.


Build meaningful working partnerships and corporate awareness.

Establishing key connections with formal and informal networks is a key factor in a successful integration. It is critical that the new executive should feel a sense of being part of the organisation right from the very beginning. He or she needs to understand who the key formal decision-makers are as well as the informal ones.  We help the new executives to build and leverage on those relationships and connect them with additional internal mentors we have trusted relationships with.


Create clarity about role expectations.

Key for onboarding success is that expectations are matched on both sides. It is essential that the new executive understands his charge and role and how his performance will be measured. A common pitfall is the new executive wanting to prove himself and make his mark as soon as possible, trying to do too much too fast. Quite often, the perceived success or failure tends to be amplified in his or her mind.  Van Pul & Thieltgen acts as sounding board to ‘new execs’, seeking to continuously align expectations.


Assure direct and constructive feedback early on.

We make sure that the new recruit understands the added-value of constructive feedback given early on. Although constructive feedback is not easy to give and receive, if given with respect and put in an improvement perspective, it is very powerful. Interviews and reference checks from the search process are the first source of feedback. Combined with periodic Executive Onboarding sessions and 360° feedback, they allow to quickly identify and neutralize any potential issues and define development needs.  We don’t hesitate to provide feedback during the onboarding process.  But the feedback a new recruit provides to himself is going to be the real driver of any lasting change.  And that’s why we regard the role of onboarding coach primarily as one of a listener and a questioner.